Thanksgiving is a strange time of the year.  It's a time when everyone looks forward to eating as much as they can, so they can have enough energy to shop the next day, braving the throngs of countless thousands in order to buy consumer goods that won't be needed for a month.

More than thanks, Thanksgiving is about food.  Stuffing yourself to the breaking point.  The menu for Thanksgiving Dinner at Shea Mohair was as follows:

  • Celery with Squeeze-Cheez
  • Cranberry nut salad with raspberry vinaigrette
  • Baked yam casserole, complete with marshmallows on top
  • Baked green casserole, complete with "not quite real" fried unions on top
  • Marinated Turkey Beast
  • Coriander and roasted garlic mashed potatoes and turkey gravy
  • Fresh cranberry sauce
  • Pies and more pies
  • Pop-N-Fresh rolls

Some of the items on this list are cultural icons.  No self-respecting host would be caught dead without a yam or green bean casserole.  And let's face it:  Squeeze-Cheez is a technological marvel worthy of being an appetizer for such a mighty meal.  Brian and Danna slaved for the better part of three days working on this meal, and we were stuffed to the breaking point within twenty minutes.  Now that's American.
