Happy new year! We made it through one more year, marching toward our graves with the sure-footedness only Father Time can provide. My good friends David and Amy flew up all the way from Salt Lake City to break in the new year in style. "Style" may be a bit too strong a word: insobriety might be a better one.

For the evening's festivities we glided over to the club "iSpy" and checked out The Shitkickers and the Dudley Manlove Quartet. David, owning the ever observant eyes of our group, pointed out that these two bands are in fact the same people. Argument ensued, and the debate was never settled. We were drunk, and were concentrating on balance. However, it turns out that David is entirely correct. Compare and contrast the following band members if you wish:

The Shitkickers

  • Kid Corvin
  • Little Joe Hauck
  • Jethro Jensen
  • Lefty Mosier
  • Hoss Okimoto

Dudley Manlove Quartet

  • Craig Corvin
  • Joe Hauck
  • Paul Jensen
  • Jeff Mosier
  • Steve Okimoto
  • Matt Chase

iSpy was quite busy. They had three different bars, but simply too few bartenders. Waits for beer were on the order of half an hour so we quickly learned to order beer in bulk: two shots of tequila and six beers. The shots are poured first, allowing a quick quaff of tequila. Next came the ever important balancing act of bringing three beers each through a thousand people to the dance floor. After iSpy we headed home and indulged in champagne...and cheese.
